See it, Say it, Sorted!
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热门评论 5
:Mind the gap. (深沉的男声)
:Nice weather, isn't it?
:Cheers cheers cheers
:See it, say it, sorted
:What's the craic? 可能除了北爱以外的英国地区不会听到这句见面问候语
回复 @ChubbyYoyo:是Irish口头禅![[呲牙]](/assets/emoji/comment-emoji/dm_ciya@2x.png?v=1)
最新评论 31
:Absolutely! (被过度使用的词!)![[笑哭]](/assets/emoji/comment-emoji/dm_xiaoku@2x.png?v=1)
:Do you need a receipt?
:see it say it sort it
:Ticket please (电车查票懂都懂
:他們很少說bye bye
:Cheers mate!
:评论里的每一句话都仿佛发了语音,isn’t it? 😂
:Sorry; Hi mate; Lovely; Cheers
:Brilliant🥹 lovely 🥹
:Automatic Door/Press to open
:Please go to cashier number 7 !
:Nice weather, isn't it?
:Don't forget to scan your Clubcard! Clubcard accepted~
:What's the craic? 可能除了北爱以外的英国地区不会听到这句见面问候语
回复 @ChubbyYoyo:是Irish口头禅![[呲牙]](/assets/emoji/comment-emoji/dm_ciya@2x.png?v=1)
:hi! how are you? (high pitch的亢奋强调)
:scan your sparks card for a chance to win your shopping for free