
🎄快醒一醒吧!冬天要来了!圣诞要来了!各大商家的抢钱大戏“圣诞倒计时日历/Advent Calendar”已经蓄势待发!!!🎄

- Luxury
- Under £100
- Under £50
▸Liberty London
Liberty每年的圣诞盒子都是一上市就一抢而空,今年你来了,但是,还是不会有例外。根据官方透露,这次的圣诞盒子包括超过价值£600的商品,包括Diptyque,Le Labo,Byredo香氛以及Omorovicza,Eve Lom,Hourglass等多款明星产品都在包含在内。搭配着Liberty的经典文艺复兴图案和标志性楼宇,仿佛置身在中世纪的欧洲,复古迷千万不要错过。
- Votary Super Seed Facial Cream 50ml
- Hourglass Caution Mascara 3.5g
- REN Clean Skincare Perfect Canvas 30ml
- Malin + Goetz Mini Eucalyptus Deodorant 28g
- Omorovicza Illuminating Moisturiser 30ml
- Byredo Byredo Blanche Hair Perfume 30ml
- Lixirskin Electrogel Cleanser 50ml
- Dr Sebagh Serum Repair 30ml
- Trish McEvoy Instant Eye Lift Jumbo
- Surratt Baton Rouge Quaintrelle
- Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel 50ml
- Aromatherapy Associates Clear Mind Rollerball 10ml
- Skin Laundry Wrinkle Release Sheet Mask
- Le Labo Another 13 EDP 15ml
- Diptyque Figuier Candle 70g
- Susanne Kaufmann De-Stress Body Oil 30ml
- QMS Hand Care 30ml
- Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream 30ml
- Bobbi Brown Crystal Lip Gloss
- Davines Oi Milk 50ml
- Pixi Glow Tonic 100ml
- Sam McKnight Cool Girl Barely There Texture Mist 50ml
- Aurelia Probiotic Skincare Revitalise and Brighten Eye Dew 10ml
- Laura Mercier Translucent Setting Powder
- Eve Lom Kiss Mix
£195 | Liberty | 10月24日开售
Harrods年年都是壕的不行,今年当然也在延续她的贵妇风格,价值超过£680的美妆放在25个小抽屉里,礼品包括大热的Huda Beauty, Charlotte Tilbury,还有By Terry颊彩,Fresh玫瑰面膜,甚至还有Suqqu腮红!物超所值,奢华到不行!!!
- 111Skin Black Diamond Cream
- Sunday Riley Luna Oil
- Acqua di Parma Colonia Mini Hat Box
- Tata Harper Regenerating Cleanser
- Anne Semonin Precious Pearl Ice Cube
- NARS Velvet Lip Glide in ‘Bound’
- Dr. Sebagh Serum Repair
- Bobbi Brown Long-wear Cream Shadow in ‘Beach Bronze’
- Fresh Rose Face Mask
- By Terry Compact Expert Dual Power in No7 ‘Sun Desire’
- Charlotte Tilbury Wonderglow
- Huda Beauty Liquid Matte Material Girl
- Sol De Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream (Carnival Edition)
- Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleaner
- Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder
- Natura Bisse The Cure Sheer Eye
- Omorovicza Blue Diamond Concentrate
- Philip Kingsley Body Building Shampoo
- Philip Kingsley Moisture Balance Conditioner
- Sarah Chapman Intense Hydrating Booster
- Sisley Supremya Baume
- SUQQU Pure Colour Blush in ‘04’
- Clarins Hand Cream
- BioEffect EGF Serum
- Clinique Fresh Pressed
- Givenchy Rouge Interdit 13
£250 | Harrods | 10月1日开售
▸John Lewis
John Lewis每年都是最认真准备圣诞节的公司!没有之一!小编每年一到12月整个人都陷入到对John Lewis圣诞广告的等待中,温馨又有创意,短短3分钟的故事就像在看小电影!圣诞广告还没出,先来入手John Lewis圣诞盒子过过瘾吧!没错!他家的圣诞盒子已经发售了!!!
根据粉丝透露,抽屉里除了Fresh,Charlotte Tilbury,Lancome等传统礼品外,还包括一张£100美妆购物券!🙌🏻免费的Elemis脸部Facial(到店)!🙌🏻AVEDA头皮以及发质测试(到店)!🙌🏻
- Nars Velvet Lip Glide, 3.4ml
- Laura Mercier Foundation Primer, 14.7ml
- Dermalogica PreCleanse Balm, 15ml
- REN Ready Steady Glow Daily AHA Tonic, 50ml
- Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream, 15ml
- Benefit Bad Gal Bang, 4g
- Floral Street Ylang Ylang Espresso, 10ml
- Charlotte Tilbury Wonderglow, 15ml
- Fresh Rose Face Mask, 15ml
- Clarins Extra Firming Jour, 15ml
- Neals Yard Frankincense Intense Lift Serum, 3ml
- Omorovicza Rejuvenating Night Cream, 15ml
- AVEDA Volumizing Tonic, 40ml
- Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder, 1.3g
- Givenchy L'Interdit EDP, 10ml
- Sarah Chapman Overnight Facial, 5ml
- This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray, 10ml
- Bare Minerals Skin Longevity, 7.5ml
- Sisley Sisleya L'integral Anti Age, 5ml
- Bobbi Brown Lip Colour, 2.25g
- HERMÈS Twilly d'Hermès EDP, 12.5ml
- BECCA First Light Priming Filter, 15ml
- Zelens Marine Cream, 15ml
- Lancôme Custom Strobing Drop Liquid Highlighter, 7ml
- Acqua Di Parma Eau de Cologne, 5ml
- Acqua Di Parma Body Cream, 20ml
- Acqua Di Parma Bath and Shower Gel, 20ml
£165 | John Lewis | 已上市
英国电商Net-A-Porter自然带有浓浓的英国特色,奶白色和黑色简约又高级,包括Sarah Chapman和Sunday Riley等英国本土品牌,王妃梅根和贝嫂都很爱哦。除此之外还有Algenist,Erno Laszlo,Oribe等超人气产品,Wait a Second!小编还看到了贵妇品牌香缇卡Chantecaille!诚意太足了啊!!!
- Goldfaden MD Brightening Elixir
- Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Exfoliating Moisturizer
- R+CO Park Ave Blow Out Balm
- Algenist Elevate Advanced Retinol Serum
- Marc Jacobs Beauty Le Marc Lip Crème - No Angel
- Charlotte Tilbury Goddess Skin Clay Mask
- Erno Laszlo Phelityl Night Cream
- Legology Air-Lite Daily Lift for Legs
- Oribe Run-Through Detangling Primer & Straight Away Smoothing Blowout Cream
- Sachajuan Hair Repair
- Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Pre-Shampoo Treatment
- Kat Burki Vitamin C Intensive Face Cream
- Leonor Greyl Nourishing Shampoo
- Illamasqua Gel Sculpt - Silhouette
- Senteurs d'Orient Jasmine of Arabia Mini Ma’amoul Soap
- Hourglass Caution Extreme Lash Mascara
- Aromatherapy Associates Support Lavender & Peppermint Bath & Shower Oil
- Dr. Barbara Sturm Face Cream Women
- Chantecaille Gold Energizing Eye Recovery Mask
- Eyeko Skinny Liquid Eyeliner
- Sarah Chapman Skinesis Morning Facial
- Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil
- Omorovicza Cleansing Foam
- Lashfood BrowFood Brow Enhancing GelFix - Clear
- Le Labo Hinoki Body Lotion and Hinoki Shower Gel
£150 | Net-A-Porter | 10月1日开售
▸Jo Malone London
喜欢Jo Malone香氛的同学Go Go Go!这套圣诞礼盒包括了Jo Malone经典香系列(橙花与蜂蜜,幽香玫瑰,英国梨和小苍兰,牡丹与麂皮等),还有2018年的新品系列(英国橡木和红加仑),以及蜡烛,洗浴,身体乳等产品,包含25种香氛味道,让你每天沉浸在香香的世界里!超级梦幻啊!这套礼盒会比Jo Malone官网提前1个月在Harrods线上提前开售,掐指一算还有一周了哦,你们准备好了么?
- 9ml古龙水:苦橙、英国梨与小苍兰、伯爵茶与小黄瓜、鼠尾草与海盐、英国橡树与红醋栗、青柠罗勒与柑橘、杏桃花与蜂蜜、葡萄柚、黑雪松与杜松
- 9ml芳醇古龙水(黑瓶):乌木与佛手柑、夜来香与白芷、黑琥珀与野姜花、茉莉与金盏花、没药
- 35g迷你蜡烛:黑凝霜樱桃与丁香、焚香与火屑、黑石榴
- 护肤类:罗勒与橙花纯露手部及身体沐浴凝胶15ml、蓝风铃身体乳霜15ml、琥珀与薰衣草沐浴油、牡丹与胭红麂绒身体乳霜50ml、夜来香与白芷身体乳霜15ml、黑莓与月桂叶沐浴油、橙花手部及身体沐浴凝胶15ml
£300 | Harrods | 10月1日开售
£300 | Jo Malone | 11月1日开售
年最早放出圣诞倒数月历消息的应该是Diptyque吧?2018主题为:Legened Du Nord,有森林、狮子等设计元素,25格设计,里面放着迷你蜡烛、迷你淡香水、身体保养及一颗圣诞蜡烛等,迷恋法式的图案和气味,天天都有不同惊喜。
- 35g迷你蜡烛 x15:Feu de bois炭木香、Ambre琥珀、 Pomander 香丸、Benjoin安息香、Oud沉香、圣日耳曼大道34号、Vanille香草、Noisetier榛树、Roses玫瑰、Tubereuse晚香玉、Baies浆果香、Mimosa含羞草、Iris鸢尾花、Le Redoute经典复刻、Patchouli广藿香
- 70g圣诞蜡烛 x1:Sapin de Lumière圣诞树
- 10ml淡香水 x7:Do Son杜桑、Philosykos希腊无花果、圣日耳曼大道34号、Tam Dao谭道、L’Ombre dans l’eau影中之水、Vetyverio维堤里欧、Eau des Sens感官之水
- 身体保养品 x2:身体润泽霜15ml、沐浴油
£320 | Selfridges | 11月开售
▸La Mer
没错,今年连La Mer也推出了圣诞系列,日常贵妇高冷的腊梅秒变身为少女心的小姐姐,虽然他家的圣诞盒子只有12天倒计时,但是包括了经典的洁面,面霜,精华,唇膏等等都有!£300日常只能收2-3件产品,这个盒子放了12件!真的!贵妇小姐姐变身暖心小姐姐!!!感天动地啊!!!
- The Renewal Oil
- The Moisturising Cream
- Full Sized Lip Balm
- The Eye Concentrate
£300 | Harrods/LaMer官网 | 10月22日发售
Selfridges今年和L’Oreal合作推出了彩妆盒子,包括Urban Decay定妆喷雾,兰蔻小粉瓶,YSL口红和科颜氏面霜等多款明星产品,热闹程度堪比春晚!光看看下面列出来的礼物单子就知道L’Oreal真是诚意满满,当然了这一个接地气的盒子也上线开售咯!心动的小伙伴必须秒杀了!
- Powerful Strength Line Reducing Concentrate from Kiehl’s
- Midnight Recovery Concentrate Deluxe Sample from Kiehl’s
- Crème de Corps Deluxe Sample from Kiehl’s
- Génifique Serum 7ml from Lancôme
- Visionnaire Eye 3ml from Lancôme
- Absolue BX Day Cream 15ml from Lancôme
- Bi Facil Eye 30ml from Lancôme
- Confort Tonique 30ml from Lancôme
- Confort Galatée 50ml from Lancôme
- Génifique Eye 5ml from Lancôme
- Custom Glow Drop Strobing 7ml from Lancôme
- Monsieur Big Mascara Mini from Lancôme
- Hypnôse Mascara Mini from Lancôme
- Nuit Trésor EDP 5ml from Lancôme
- Trésor EDP 7.5ml from Lancôme
- La Vie Est Belle EDP 4ml from Lancôme
- Mini Crayon Khôl from Lancôme
- Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray Deluxe Sample
- Urban Decay Eye Shadow Primer Potion Deluxe Sample
- Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb Mini EDP 7ml
- Rouge Pur Couture -New Vinyl Cream 401 from YSL
- Blur Primer 10ml from YSL
- Black Opium EDP 7.5ml from YSL
- Mini Curler Mascara from YSL
£130 | Selfridges | 9月26日开售
▸Charlotte Tilbury
说Charlotte Tilbury是洛杉矶比弗利山庄明星最爱,应该没有人有异议吧,他家的彩妆这两年真是有够火的!今年的CT采用了星座的设计主题,搭配经典暗红色色调,华丽又复古!又经典的Pillow Talk口红,还有面膜,眼线,唇釉等热销产品,好评度满满,价格又很平易近人,你,值得拥有!
£150 | Selfridges/Charlotte Tilbury官网 | 10月11日开售
YSL今年也是首次加入圣诞倒计时日历的大戏!采用了他家经典的黑金设计,闪烁着YSL LOGO金光,包括奢华缎面唇膏、丝绒唇露、睫毛膏、明彩笔、眼影、卸妆水、Mon Paris巴黎蝴蝶结女香、鸦片香水等,品项超丰富,杨树林粉必收!
- The Curler Mascara
- The Shock Mascara
- Vinyl Couture Mascara
- Black Opium 7.5ml
- Opium EDT 7.5ml
- Mon Paris 7.5ml
- 01 Rouge Pur Couture Mini
- 19 Rouge Pur Couture Mini
- 70 Rouge Pur Couture Mini
- 49 Rouge Volupte Shine mini
- Tatouage Couture Mini
- Vernis à Lèvres
- Blur Primer
- Touche Eclat 2
- Top Secrets Instant Makeup Remover 8ml
- La laque couture 08
- Top Secrets Micellar Water 10ml
- Top Secrets Natural Action Exfoliator 20ml
- Eye Pencil
- Mini Powder Brush
- Eyeshadow Brush
- Forever Youth Liberator serum 7ml
£195 | Selfridges | 10月10日发售

Kiehl’s今年圣诞与纽约艺术家Andrew Bannecker合作,设计出倒数月历和圣诞系列。月历以黑x金为颜色主调,再绑上金色丝带,让整体多了份低调奢华的感觉。24格惊喜,包含:蓝精灵夜间修复精华、蓝精灵卸妆油、洁面乳、金盏花面膜、芦荟面膜,甚至还有男士面部保养护理系列在里面,送男性朋友很适合。
- Amino Acid Conditioner 30ml
- Amino Acid Shampoo 30ml
- Bath & Shower Liquid Body Cleanser – Grapefruit 30ml
- Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Mask 14ml
- Creme de Corps 30ml
- Daily Reviving Concentrate 4ml
- Facial Fuel Energising Moisture Treatment for Men 15ml
- Hand & Body Lotion – Grapefruit 65ml
- Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturising Serum Concentrate 5ml
- Iris Extract Activating Treatment Essence 40ml
- Lip Balm #1 15ml
- Midnight Recovery Botanical Cleansing Oil 40ml
- Midnight Recovery Concentrate 4ml
- Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate 4ml
- Midnight Recovery Eye 3ml
- Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate 5ml
- Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Mask 14ml
- Smoothing Oil-Infused Shampoo 30ml
- Super Multi-Corrective Cream 7ml
- Ultra Facial Cleanser 30ml
- Ultra Facial Cream 7ml
- Ultimate Strength Hand Salve 75ml
- Ultra Facial Overnight Hydrating Mask 7ml
- Ultra Light UV Defence SPF50 5ml
£110 | Selfridges | 10月1日发售
Under £100
▸Look Fantastic

- High Definition Brows x lookfantastic Exclusive Contour and Colour Pro Palette
- Filorga Anti-Ageing Micellar Solution 50ml
- Percy & Reed Perfectly Perfecting Wonder Balm 30ml
- Glamglow Gravity Mud Mask Firming Treatment
- Blink Brow Bar Brow Build
- Emma Hardie Brilliance Facial Oil 5ml
- Eyeko Mini Black Magic Mascara 2ml
- Molton Brown Jasmine and Sun Rose Body Wash 100ml
- Regenerate Advanced Toothpaste 14ml
- Omorovicza Moor Cream Cleanser 30ml
- Rituals Ritual Of Sakura Body Cream 70ml
- Grow Gorgeous Mud Mask 60ml
- Balance Me Tan Drops 4ml
- Lipstick Queen Frog Prince Lipstick
- Sleek Mineral Based Eyeshadow Palette
- Doucce Fierce and Fine Graphic Pen
- Caudalie Vinoperfect Radiance Serum 10ml
- First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream
- ESPA Overnight Hydration Therapy 15ml
- This Works Relax and Breathe Stress Check 5ml
- Mane and Tail Shampoo and Conditioner 60ml
- Lookfantastic Fan and Highlighter Brush
- Aromatherapy Associates Bath and Shower Oil 9ml
- Erno Laszlo Eye Serum Mask x2
- Illamasqua Beyond Powder Deity
£79 | Look Fantastic | 已预售
▸Feel Unique
FeelUnique也是近几年在国际市场成长非常快的英国本土美妆电商,他家这一年的圣诞套装带有浓浓的童趣,包括的产品也都是Caudalie,Sleek,Make Up Forever等明星产品!现在已经上线咯,价格超级平易近人,可以抢购起来了呢!
- FILORGA Time-Filler 15ml
- Percy & Reed Quite Frankly Flawless Finishing Polish 30ml
- eos™ Organic Lip Balm 7g - Pomegranate Raspberry
- INIKA Mineral Blush 3g - Blooming Nude
- First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Polish 28g
- It's Skin Power 10 VC Serum 10ml
- Nails Inc Sparkle Like A Unicorn Sheet Mask 20ml
- Revlon Super Lustrous™ Lipstick - Bombshell 4.2g
- Murad Retinol Youth Renewal Serum 5ml
- REN Ready Steady Glow Daily AHA Tonic 50ml
- Living Proof Restore Mask Treatment 28g
- James Read H2O Tan Drops Face 30ml
- Ciaté London Wonderwand Mascara 9.5g
- Caudalie Make-Up Removing Cleansing Oil 30ml
- Lime Crime Diamond Crushers 4.1ml - Heirloom
- Sigma P82 - Precision Round™ Brush
- Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream 25ml
- Sleek MakeUP Highlighting Palette 9g - Solstice
- Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Original Solid Formula 30g
- Crabtree & Evelyn Rosewater Hand Therapy 25g
- Charlotte Tilbury Charlotte's Magic Cream 15ml
£75 | Feel Unique | 已开售
▸Paul & Joe

Paul and Joe 2018年的圣诞盒子采用的插画设计,小橘猫在圣诞袜里的样子实在是太萌啦!要说谁最会戳中你的少女心,非Paul and Joe莫属!而且价格非常亲民,如果我有一个小妹妹,那一定会买这一款送给她,和小猫一起倒计时圣诞的来临吧~
£56 | Amazon | 11月1日
• 35ml Shea Shower Oil
• 35ml Cherry Blossom Shower Gel
• 10ml Shea Butter Hand Cream
• 50g Almond Delicious Soap
• 25g Shea Milk Extra-Gentle Soap
• 35ml Repairing Shampoo
• 30ml Ultra Rich Body Lotion
• 25g Verbena Leaf Soap
• 30ml Ultra Rich Shower Cream
• 10ml Almond Delicious Hands
• 20ml Almond Milk Concentrate
• 35ml Cherry Blossom Shimmering Lotion
• 10ml Verbena Cooling Hand Gel
• 35ml Almond Shower Oil
• 10ml Shea Butter Foot Cream
• 5ml Precious Cream
• 35ml Repairing Conditioner
• 30ml Verbena Body Lotion
• 33g Revitalising Sugar Bath Cube
• 30ml Verbena Shower Gel
• 4ml Shea Ultra Rich Lip Balm
• 10ml Verbena Eau de Toilette
• 5ml Shea Light Comforting Cream
• 10ml Cherry Blossom Hand Cream
£89 | L'Occitane | 已开售
▸The Body Shop
今年The Body Shop设计了三款圣诞月历,还附加了一个新年倒计时日历,那抢钱的野心满满满啊~香气也很有圣诞氛围,比如:薄荷糖沐浴乳。其他还有乳木果护手霜、杏仁牛奶和蜂蜜、白麝香系列、蜜桃系列等,部分套装还附上可爱狐狸耳朵发带🦊萌萌哒~
- Ultimate beauty advent calendar
- 25 beauty favourites from Bath & Body, Skincare, Make up, Haircare & fun Accessories
- A daily challenge to reconnect you with nature
- Beautifully presented box featuring Freddie the Fox
- Contents worth £231
- Shower Gel Vanilla Marshmallow 60ml
- French Grape scrub 50ml or Mediterranean Sea Salt scrub 50ml*
- Lash Hero Fibre Extension Mascara London Jet
- Body Butter Berry Bon Bon 50ml
- Ethiopian Green Coffee Cream 50ml
- Eye Definer Black 1.1g
- Eyeshadow Brush
- Hand Cream Mango 30ml
- Body Lotion Almond Milk & Honey 200ml
- Shampoo Fuji Green Tea™ 60ml
- Conditioner Fuji Green Tea™ 60ml
- Shine Lip Liquid Orange Lollipop 8ml
- Adriatic Peony Body Wash 60ml
- Camomile Gentle Eye Make Up Remover 60ml
- Body Cream Japanese Camellia Cream 50ml
- Shower Gel Moringa 250ml
- Drops Of Youth™ Youth Bouncy Sleeping Mask 90ml
- Hand Cream British Rose 100ml
- Body Butter Shea 50ml
- Drops Of Youth™ Youth Day Cream 50ml
- Matte Lip Liquid Tahiti Hibiscus 8ml
- Rose Dewy Glow Face Mist 60ml
- Body Yogurt Moringa 200ml
- Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask 75ml
- Oils Of Life™ Intensely Revitalising Facial Oil 30ml
- British Rose Fresh Plumping Mask 5ml
- Headband Baby Deer
£99 | The Body Shop | 已开售
Under £50

ASOS把圣诞倒计时日历做成了名副其实的日历!采用经典的品牌花纹和白金色日历页面,挂起来也很好看呢!产品包括Glamglow,Benefit,Bobbi Brown,Rodial等,都是学生党的最爱,必收!
- Sand & Sky Pink Clay Mask
- J.ONE Jelly Pack 5ml
- GLAMGLOW Glowstarter Nude Glow 7ml
- 111Skin Rose Gold Mask
- Makeup Sponge
- Benefit Hoola Lite 2.5g
- Clinique Moisture Surge 7ml
- Bobbi Brown Mascara
- Rodial Dragon’s Blood Sculpting Gel 15ml
- Cool & Eve Like A Virgin Hair Mask 15ml
- Ameliorate Transforming Body Lotion 50ml
- Skyn Iceland Hydrogel Cooling Eye Gels
- Alpha H Clear Skin Daily Face Wash 30ml
- Carmex Lip Balm
- INCredible You Glow Girl Highlighter
- Dr Jart Cicapair
- First Aid Beauty Skin Rescue Deep Cleanser 23.8g
- MAC Strobe Cream 5ml
- BOD Mermaid Shimmer Sorbet
- ASOS Beauty Lipstick
- Caudalie Micellar Water 50ml
- Luxie Small Contouring Makeup Brush 512
- Aloe 99 Soothing Gel
- Iconic London Illuminator
▸Cath Kidston
Cath Kidston一定是来抢钱的,这么可爱的楼房,搭配英式红墙,还有女王的卫兵,圣诞老人,和雪人,简直不舍得打开礼物抽屉啊!而且每一款产品本身也都是可爱100分的包装设计。已开售!小编已下单!你们速速来同款~
- 7x hand cream: Alpaca, blossom birds, Saltwick Bunch, paper rose
- 2x cuticle cream: Saltwick Bunch, paper rose
- 3x lip balms: Saltwick Bunch, alpaca and paper rose
£40 | Cath Kidston | 已开售
▸NYX Cosmetics

- Soft Matte Lip Cream
- Butter Gloss
- Velvety eyeshadows
- Highlighters
- Blush
£50 | NYX Cosmetics | 10月10日开售
▸Soap & Glory
