
- Arrivals 到达大厅(接机)
- Departures 出发大厅(送机)
- Transfer 转机
- Shuttles 穿梭巴士
- Check-in counter 值机柜台,可托运行李
- Checked baggage 托运行李
- Carry-on 随身行李
- Window seat 靠窗口的座位
- Aisle seat 靠过道的座位
- Emergency exit row seats 紧急出口排座位
- Self Check In Kiosk 自助值机柜台
- Security checkpoint 安全检查
- Terminal 航站楼
- Boarding Pass 机票/登机凭证
- Boarding Gate/Gate 登机口
- Boarding Group 登机组(美国飞机登机分组进行)
- Boarding Time 登机时间
- VIP Lounge 贵宾候机室
- Restroom/Toilet 洗手间
- Information Desk 咨询柜台
- Baggage Claim 行李提取处

- Blanket - 毯子
- Pillow - 枕头
- Earphones / headphones - 耳机
- Eye mask - 眼罩
- Tray - 托盘
- Seat pocket - 座位袋
- Air sickness bag - 呕吐袋
- 空姐:“Anything to drink?”-喝什么?
- 乘客:“Water (with no ice) 白水(不加冰) / Hot water热水 / Coke(或Pepsi) 可乐 / Diet Coke(Diet Pepsi) 健怡可乐 / Sprite(或Seven Up) 雪碧(七喜) / Orange juice橙汁 / Apple juice苹果汁 / Tomato juice 番茄汁 / Coffee (with cream and sugar) 咖啡(加奶加糖) / Hot tea热茶, please.”
- “I’m good, thank you.”如果没有需要,就这句
- 如果空姐推的是餐车,让你从鸡肉或牛肉两种盒饭中挑选其一,便回答“chicken”或“beef”。
- Seat recline - 座位后仰
- Reading light - 阅读灯
- Seat belt extender - 安全带延长器
- Window shade - 窗帘
- Air vent - 通风口
- Foldable tray table - 可折叠的托盘桌
- Armrest - 扶手
- Seat pocket magazine - 座位袋杂志
- Lavatory flush button - 厕所冲洗按钮
- Call attendant button - 呼叫乘务员按钮
- Life vest - 救生衣
- Seat pocket safety card - 座位袋安全卡
- Seat recline button - 座位后仰按钮
- Cabin crew - 机组人员
- Captain - 机长
- Co-pilot - 副驾驶员
- Flight attendant - 空乘人员
- Takeoff - 起飞
- Landing - 着陆
- Turbulence - 气流湍流
- Fasten seatbelt - 系好安全带
- Tray table - 托盘桌
- Call button - 呼叫按钮
- Lavatory - 厕所
- Meal - 餐食
- Beverage - 饮料
- Snack - 小吃
- In-flight entertainment - 机上娱乐
- Overhead bin - 行李架
- Flight announcement - 航班公告
- Oxygen mask - 氧气面罩
- Emergency exit - 紧急出口
- Seatbelt sign - 安全带指示灯

Why are you visiting the United Kindom?/What’s the purpose of your visit? 你来英国做什么?
留学:I’m here to study. I'm an international student.
探亲访友:I’m visiting my friends/son/daughter.
度假旅行:I’m on vacation/holiday.
出差:I’m on business.
Where will you be staying? 你在英国住哪儿?
I’ll stay in the dorm/a hotel/ with sb. and here’s the address.(出示写有旅馆地址或亲友住址的小卡片,省得纠结地址读法).
How long will you be staying? 你打算在英国呆多久?
答:I will be here for(时间长度)/ I won’t leave until(具体日期). This is my return ticket to(中国地名). 留学生需要出示OFFER等比较稳健
Have you visited the United Kindom before, and if so, did you remain longer than you were supposed to? 你从前来过英国吗?如果来过,你有没有非法滞留?
How often do you come to the United Kindom? 你多久来一次英国?
以上问题必须如实回答,并和申请签证时所说的一致。如果遇到更复杂的问题无法用英语交流,就说:“Sorry, could I have a Chinese interpreter?”
如果在排队时不小心超出了黄线而自己没发觉,工作人员会提醒你:“Wait behind the yellow line.”

- Your passport and declaration card, please. 请出示你的护照和海关申报卡。
- What do you have in your bag? 你包里有什么?
- Do you have anything to declare? 你有需要申报的物品吗?
- Could you open your bag, please? 请打开你的包。这时候要立刻回答“Sure”,并乖乖配合检查。
- You have to pay duty on these items. 这些物品需要缴税。

如果选择打传统出租车,那么写有地址的小卡片又派上用场了。直接将卡片递给司机,说:“Please take me to this address.”
下车前问车费:“What’s the fare?”

千辛万苦终于抵达了预订的宾馆,来到前台check-in(登记入住)。这时候可跟服务员说:“I have a reservation under the name of XXX.”(我用XXX这个名字订了一间房)
如果你想住的时间比预订的长,可说:“Can I extend my reservation?I’d like to check out(退房) on XXXX(日期)。”
如果并没有预订,可以问:“Hi, do you have any room (for X adults) available? I(We)’d like to stay for X nights.”(请问有空房吗?我想住X晚。)
很多时候旅馆可能会有免费早餐之类的服务包含在费用里,想知道房费都包些什么,可以问“What's included in this cost?” 如果想更清楚了解,之后可以再加问一句“Then what's not included?”
询问旅馆各项服务的价格,可说:“What’s the charge for XXXX?”
别忘记问清楚退房的时间哦:“What is the check-out time?”