
特别提醒:点击查收英国新生必读 and 英国旅游全攻略and英国超市大全!还有2024英国留学新生手册等你解锁哦!
英文邮件格式 - 常用基本句型 -正式/非正式
1. 英文邮件开头称呼
Formal / Neutral:
- Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs Dupuis,
- Dear Mary,
- Hi/Hello Mary,
- Mary, ...
- (or no name at all)
2. 英文邮件续前文
Formal / Neutral:
- Thank you for your email of ...
- Further to your last email, ...
- I apologize for not getting in contact with you before now.
- Thanks for your email.
- Re your email, ...
- Sorry I haven’t written for ages, but I’ve been really busy.
3. 英文邮件陈述理由
Formal / Neutral:
- I am writing in connection with ...
- I am writing with regard to ...
- In reply to your email, here are ...
- Your name was given to me by ...
- We would like to point out that ...
- Just a short note about ...
- I’m writing about ...
- Here’s the ... you wanted.
- I got your name from ...
- Please note that ...
4. 英文邮件提供信息
Formal / Neutral:
- I’m writing to let you know that ...
- We are able to confirm that ...
- I am delighted to tell you that ...
- We regret to inform you that ...
- Just a note to say ...
- We can confirm that ...
- Good news!
- Unfortunately, ...

5. 英文邮件添加附件
Formal / Neutral:
- Please find attached the file (we discussed/you requested, etc)
- I’m sending you ... as a pdf file.
- I’ve attached ...
- Here is the ... you wanted.
6. 英文邮件询问信息
Formal / Neutral:
- Could you give me some information about ...
- I would like to know ...
- I’m interested in receiving/finding out ...
- Can you tell me a little more about ...
- I’d like to know ...
- Please send me ...
7. 英文邮件提出要求
Formal / Neutral:
- I’d be grateful if you could ...
- I wonder if you could ...
- Do you think I could have ... ?
- Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
- Please could you ...
- Could you ...?
- Can I have ...?
- I’d appreciate your help on this.
8. 英文邮件作出承诺
Formal / Neutral:
- I will ...
- I’ll investigate the matter.
- I will contact you again shortly.
- I’ll ...
- I’ll look into it.
- I’ll get back to you soon.

9. 英文邮件提供帮助
Formal / Neutral:
- Would you like me to ...?
- If you wish, I would be happy to ...
- Let me know whether you would like me to ...
- Do you want me to ...?
- Shall I ...?
- Let me know if you’d like me to ...
10. 英文邮件结尾落款感谢
Formal / Neutral:
- Thank you for your help.
- Do not hesitate to contact us again if you require any further information.
- Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My direct line is ...
- Thanks again for ...
- Let me know if you need anything else.
- Just give me a call if you have any questions. My number is ...
11. 英文邮件结尾问候语和署名
Formal / Neutral:
- I’m looking forward to ... (+ ing)
- Give my regards to ...
- Best wishes
- Regards
- Looking forward to ... (+ ing)
- Best wishes to ..
- Speak to/see you soon.
- Bye (for now)/All the best.
英文邮件格式 - 表达不满

1. 开头引入
I am writing ...
- in connection with my order FS690 which arrived this morning.
- to complain about the quality of a product I bought from your website.
- to complain about the poor service we received from your company.
- to draw your attention to the negative attitude of some people in your customer services section.
2. 提出不满
- Our order dated 16 September clearly stated that we wanted 1,000 items, however you ...
- The goods were faulty / damaged / in poor condition.
- There seems to be an error in the invoice /a misunderstanding.
- The equipment I ordered has still not been delivered, despite my phone call you last week to say that it is needed urgently.
- The product I received was well below the standard expected.
- To make matters worse, when I called your company staff ...

3. 提出要求
- Please replace the faulty goods as soon as possible.
- We must insist on an immediate replacement / full refund.
- Unless I receive the goods by the end of this week, I will have no choice but to cancel my order.
4. 表示不满结尾
- I hope that you will deal with this matter promptly as it is causing me considerable inconvenience.
英文邮件格式 - 工作申请

1. 称呼和问候
- Dear Sir/Madam
2. 陈述理由
- With reference to your advertisement on the ... website, I am interested in applying for the position of...
3. 自我介绍
- I am currently studying for a degree in ... at ... University.
- For the last two months I have been working as a ... at ... .
4. 关于职位
- I am interested in this job because ...
- I feel that I would be well-suited for this job/have a lot of experience in ...

5. 添加简历
- I have attached my CV as a Word document.
- From the attached resume you will notice that I...(have experience in..., worked on a project in..., did a major in...)
6. 结束语
- I would be grateful if you would consider my application.
- You will see from my CV that two people can be contacted as references, one is ... and the other is from ... .
- I am available for interview in .../ by phone any weekday afternoon, and you can email me or telephone me on the number below.
7. 结尾问候寒暄
- I look forward to hearing from you soon.
- Yours faithfully (通常用于无具体人名抬头Dear Sir/Madam的信件结尾)
- Yours sincerely(通常用于有具体人名抬头Dear Mr James/Dear Ms Jasmin 的信件结尾)
英文邮件格式 - 安排面试/会议时间

1. 陈述理由
Formal / Neutral:
- I’m writing to arrange a time for our meeting.
- What time would be convenient for you?
- Just a quick note to arrange a time to meet.
- When would suit you?
2. 提出建议
Formal / Neutral:
- Could we meet on (day) in the (morning) at (time)?
- How about (day) at (time)?
- Are you free sometime next week?
3. 加深解释
Formal / Neutral:
- I would be able to attend the meeting on Thursday morning.
- I’m out of the office until 2pm.
- Any time after that would be fine.
- I’m afraid I can’t manage next Monday.
- I’m free Thursday am.
- I won’t be around until after lunch.
- Any time after hat is okay.
- Sorry, can’t make it next Monday.

4. 确认细节
Formal / Neutral:
- I’d like to confirm ...
- That’s fine. I will call/email you tomorrow to confirm the details.
- Thursday is good for me.
- That should be okay. I’ll get back to you if there’s a problem.
5. 作出更改
Formal / Neutral:
- This is to let you know that I will not be able to attend the next meeting next Thursday.
- I wonder if we could move it to ...?
- I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
- Re our meeting next week, I’m afraid I can’t make Thursday.
- How about ... instead?
- Sorry for the inconvenience.
6. 结尾问候
Formal / Neutral:
- I look forward to meeting you in Brussels.
- Let me know if you need to change the arrangements.
- See you in Brussels.
- Give me a call if anything changes.
1.给导师发英文邮件 - 称呼
- Dear Professor/Doctor XXX(写全名)
- Dear XXX(写全名)或是 Dear Mr/Ms X(写姓)
2. 给导师发英文邮件 - 问候
- Good Morning/Afternoon.
- I hope this email finds you well.
- I hope you are having a great week.
3. 给导师发英文邮件 - 正文
- 主题部分可以用短语或者短句概括你这封邮件的目的,切记不要空着;
- 发送之前检查大小写、Spelling等细节,确保上传了该附上的附件;
- 不要有用缩写和表情符号,“Please”不要写成“Pls”,波浪号“~”不要用;
3. 给导师发英文邮件 - 结尾和落款

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